2 Easy Workouts to Lose Weight Fast


Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

You don’t have to give up time for the things you love, spending hours every day at the gym to get your dream body. There are easy home and on-the-go workouts to help you lose weight. The truth is that at times easy exercises work better.

So before you sign up for an intense HIIT program or join the next CrossFit boot camp class, discover how these simple weight loss exercises can burn more calories. Then you can incorporate one of these workout routines into your schedule. 

Benefits of Easy Exercise

If you want to drop the weight, you need to burn more calories than you eat. For instance, you may want to cut down 500 calories every day to lose one pound per week. The idea is that you need to control how much you eat and burn more calories with exercise to achieve your goal.

Many people may start an intense exercise regimen to slim down and can’t stick to it. That’s why easy exercises are better to lose weight fast. It helps you stay active all day while maintaining a consistent workout routine.

Two Easy Workouts 

Depending on your current fitness level and health, these are two easy workout routines you can choose from. 

Routine for Beginners

This plan is perfect for people who don’t exercise at all. The easy exercises will push your metabolism from idle mode and get it on the move. 

It would help if you kept your exercises short and doable for this plan to work. That way, you’ll have no excuse to skip a session.

In this plan, you’ll work out once to three times daily for a short time.

Easy Workout

Easy beginner plan:

  • 7 minutes of a brisk walk

  • 7 minutes of easy push-ups and lunges 

  • 7 minutes fast walk

You can exercise at home, in your office or at the. Set regular reminders on your smartphone to complete your workout sessions or get an accountability partner.

Need a challenge? You can also do push-ups against the wall, lunges on the landing, or climb the office stairs if you are at work.

With how short these workouts are, you’re likely to keep at it and stick to the plan. While the exercises are short, you are still burning a considerable amount of calories in a short period.

You can burn up to 300 to 500 calories doing three reps three times daily. You may even spend less time eating and cut down how much food you want to eat if you do this easy workout around mealtime. 

Routine for Regular Exercisers

This plan is for people who already workout to break your body out of its routine for faster weight loss. You achieve this by adding more training to your day but keeping the extra sessions easy to avoid burnout.

Regular Workout

This process involves adding 30 to 45 minutes of easy, fun activity at the opposite end of your day as your regular workout. For instance

  • If you exercise in the morning, add a brisk evening walk to your schedule.

  • If you work out in the evening, think about walking or riding a bike to work in the morning.

Switching things up like this will help you avoid hitting a plateau. That’s because when you do the same exercises all the time, at the same intensity, you’ll get the same results. 

With this plan, you become more active, and you burn more calories without adding stress or strain to your body.

Change Your Eating Habits

Although your easy workout routine will help you burn more calories, you can lose weight faster by cutting down the calories you eat.

  • Skip dessert for a week. Grab a small serving of berries instead.

  • Drink water instead of those drinks that cause weight gain. Don’t like plain water? There are many recipes for flavored water to curb your cravings.

  • Dump the empty-calorie starch. Fill up on a mix of lean protein and good carbs. Cut out white foods like bread, pasta, or white rice. 

Long-Term Success

If you follow through with these easy workout routines, you should notice some changes after a week or two. It could be in the way your clothes fit or the numbers on the scale. Then ask yourself if it was worth it.

If the answer is yes, then keep up with your routine. You can add more challenges with moderate to high-intensity exercises. Also, keep tracking your diet to ensure you’re consuming enough protein to lose weight and maintain muscle.

But if the answer is no, don’t give up entirely. Even an easy exercise plan needs dedication. You may not have been ready for the investment. Pick some parts of the fitness plan you can manage and try to incorporate them into your schedule.

Weight loss is a long-term process, take your time, and focus on your daily habits. 

Try the following tips to help you lose weight on a vegan diet: 

How to Lose Weight on a Plant-Based Diet 

For some healthy plant-based recipes go here>>>> 

Lose weight and build muscle with these foods >>>CLICK HERE 
