Top 5 Health Benefits of Juicing

 Top 5 Benefits of Juicing


I have been juicing for more than a decade, I started because I was searching for a natural remedy for my crippling anxiety. I would spend nights lying awake, heart pounding, palms sweating terrified of everything. I had no idea why I was scared, I was just scared all the time. I read on a random blog post one night that highlighted some of the benefits of juicing. One of the benefits that stood out to me was a mental health benefit. The writer stated that she had experienced a shift in her mental health since she started drinking green juice specifically. I decided to give it a try, I went out and bought a brand new juicer and started off with a 30-day juice cleanse. The rest is history, here I am going to list five highly beneficial health benefits of juicing.

What is Juicing?

Firstly, let's talk about juicing, what is it? People sometimes get juicing mixed up with smoothie making. Smoothies are different, you blend fruits and vegetables to make smoothies however, with juicing, the fiber is extracted and the juice is left behind. Essentially, the juicer behaves like your digestive system, it crushes the fruit, gets rid of the fiber and the juice is left. When you drink the juice, the nutrients hit your bloodstream really quickly, one of the reasons why you should always drink juice slowly is that the powerful vitamins can sometimes make you feel high, or drowsy at first.

Anyway, what are the benefits of juicing? Here they are:

1. Quick Burst of Nutrients

If you want a quick burst of nutrients, juicing is the answer. I often experience low iron levels, mainly when I neglect my diet. When I want to boost my iron levels, I drink green juice coupled with orange juice or pineapple juice. Vitamin C is necessary for facilitating the absorption of iron from plant-based sources. Therefore, if you want to boost your iron intake with juicing, make sure you combine your green juice with vitamin C rich fruits.

If you want to juice dark leafy greens, make sure you use a high-quality masticating juicer as opposed to the centrifugal type. 

Masticating juicers are suitable for juicing greens because they chew the greens as opposed to chopping and spinning. They also produce a more nutrient-dense juice because centrifugal juicers introduce oxygen to the fruits and vegetables which reduces the nutrient value.

2. Weight Loss

Juicing can aid weight loss by reducing the number of calories you consume throughout the day. Instead of having lunch, for example, drink a large juice instead. Or, replace all soda with freshly squeezed juice, this will also help you to reduce your overall caloric intake. You need to be in a caloric deficit in order to lose weight and juicing can help you to achieve that.

3. Increase Energy Levels

One of the benefits I noticed pretty much right away after I started juicing was increased energy levels. The natural sugars, nutrients, and vitamins in freshly squeezed juice will boost your energy. The main reason why this happens is that the juice hits the bloodstream rapidly, this provides the body with an extra energy hit.

When you first start drinking the juice, you will notice that you no longer need your obligatory morning coffee, the natural juice will boost your energy without any additional caffeine or supplements.

4. Anti-Inflammatory

Inflammation is the primary cause of many diseases such as fibromyalgia, alopecia, heart disease, and irritable bowel disease. Fresh juice reduces inflammation because raw fruits and vegetables contain powerful antioxidants that fight free radicals in the body, free radicals are the main cause of inflammation.

5. Prevent and Cure Disease

When your body is in a state of disease, it is inflamed, toxic, and depleted. Adding fresh juice to your diet will increase the number of nutrients your body receives. Potent antioxidants fight free radicals and eradicate unwanted toxins in the blood. Thus, preventing diseases and reducing symptoms associated with the disease.

There is no definitive evidence to confirm that drinking juice can cure diseases however, the Gurson therapy is one therapy that has cured many patients suffering from cancer and many other diseases. The therapy involves drinking large quantities of freshly squeezed juice and vegetarian, whole foods. Read more about the Gurson Therapy here >>>>Gurson Therapy Information.

These are our top 5 health benefits of juicing, introduce one green juice per day into your diet and you should experience some of the benefits outlined in this article. Juicing is certainly not a substitute for taking care of yourself holistically however, it can contribute to an overall improvement in your health and wellness.

One last thing: When I first started juicing, one of the major problems I experienced was finding the right recipes for my specific needs. I solved that problem with this book>>>>> One of my favorite juicing books for juice recipes and smoothie recipes. Click on the book below: 👇👇👇

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