NeuroActiv6 Review: Don't Buy This Brain Enhancing Supplement Until You Read This



I rarely take supplements as I am a big advocate of getting all nutrients from food however,  over the past few months my opinion changed slightly. I write thousands of words per day, blogging, and writing for clients therefore, staying focused and productive is crucial. I can't afford to spend an entire day feeling sluggish and unproductive, I simply need to get the work done. 

Anyway, to cut a long story short, a few months ago I started feeling tired during the day, my productivity levels dropped and I went from writing 10,000 words a day, five days a week to writing 5,000 words day, not good. What did I do to solve the problem?

A friend introduced me to a supplement called NeuroActiv6 at first, I was reluctant to take it because I hate taking pills however, I was happy to find out that NeuroActiv6 is a powdered supplement, instead of taking a pill, you take it in the form of a tasty drink instead.

I started taking NeuroActiv in May, it is September now. I have noticed significant benefits from taking it. Here are some of the benefits I have experienced since I started taking NeuroActiv6:

Increased Energy

One of the primary reasons I decided to give NeuroActiv6 a try was to boost my energy levels. After taking it for about a month, I noticed a significant shift in my energy levels. Instead of experiencing the mid-afternoon slump, I would feel energetic until about 6 pm when I would start winding down from the day. I exercise daily and drinking the supplement had a massive impact on my overall performance.

Better Focus

Aaaah! Better focus, I usually write using the Flowtime Technique where you work for a certain amount of time and take a break. There is no restriction on how long you work for however, the recommended amount of time is about 40 to 50 minutes per session. My usual work sessions last for about 30 minutes and then I take a 5-minute break. Not anymore, I can work for approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes before I need to take a break. I recommend this for anyone who needs to focus more and get more done. For example, if you are a student, a writer, a graphic designer, web developer. Anyone who needs to focus and push through to complete tasks in an efficient and effective manner, NeuroActiv6 will help with that.

Productivity Boost

With better focus comes better output. Let me give you an idea of how much my productivity has increased since I started taking NeuroActiv6. I was writing 5,000 words per day most days, my average word count per day is approximately 13,000 words now. A massive jump from 5,000!!!

Better Skin

I am not sure if it is the supplement that has improved my skin or if my skin has improved as a result of stress reduction. Because for me, better focus and productivity equals less stress. There is nothing worse for me than setting myself up for the day to achieve great things and I just don't get anything done because I am just too tired to finish anything. Less stress also equals better skin for me so either way, I am satisfied with the results.

Better Sleep

Better sleep is crucial for your overall health, studies have shown that sleep deprivation could contribute to hormone imbalance, heart disease, and cancer. Therefore, if you want to feel happy and healthy, you should be getting at least 8 hours of sleep per night.

NeuroActiv helps me to sleep better, and as a result, I am able to focus more and get more done on a daily basis.

Better Mood

I suffer from anxiety and sometimes low mood, magnesium is known as a natures tranquilizer NeuroActiv contains magnesium. I think the ingredients in NeuroActiv have definitely helped me to reduce feelings of anxiety that I experience regularly.

Libido Increase

Finally, and this is a good one! I have noticed a drastic change in my libido. Generally, low energy, stress, anxiety, and depression can affect libido. With all these issues significantly reduced as a result of taking NeuroActiv, my libido has increased quite drastically.

The main reason I started taking NeuroActiv in the first place was to enhance cognitive performance and to increase my energy levels. It has definitely helped me with both these issues and much more.

Here are some of the ingredients that you will find in the NeuroActive Supplement:



Turmeric reduces inflammation in the body and fights free radicals.


Ashwagandha is a mood-enhancing cognitive performance enhancer and it also works to reduce stress levels.


Increases brain energy and improves focus.

Grapeseed Extract

Fights free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.

Vitamin B Energy Complex

Improves brain function and mental energy.

Berry fruit and vegetable blend

Powerful antioxidants and magnesium fight free radicals and reduce stress levels.

Coffee fruit extract

Coffee fruit extract increases energy levels and improves focus.

My Verdict

I can certainly recommend NeuroActiv6 to anyone who wants to boost cognitive ability, reduce stress, and enhance focus and productivity.

NeuroActiv6 is available from their website here >>>>>NeuroActiv6 
