Raw Vegan Thai Coconut Soup Recipe -Quick + Healthy

Image from thespruceeats.com


If you are on a raw food diet but you miss the flavors of traditional Asian food such as Thai or Chinese. Rest assured that you can still experience the taste explosion of Thai dishes by adapting the ingredients and the preparation methods to the raw vegan way. It will be just as healthy but twice as nutritious as the cooked version. All you really need is Thai young coconut, chili, and plenty of fresh, organic vegetables.

Here are the ingredients to make your delicious Thai coconut soup, raw vegan style.

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1 young coconut

3 cloves garlic (you can adapt this to how strong you would like the flavors to be)

1 tsp fresh chopped ginger

3 tbsp fresh lime juice

2 tbsp cold-pressed olive oil (if you are going raw then make sure that it is cold-pressed olive oil and not extra virgin olive oil or any other type of olive oil. If you are not raw vegan then you don't have to worry about it.) You can also use flax oil

2 tsp mild curry powder ( if you want it stronger then add more curry powder to the mixture)

1 medium tomato

¼ tsp sea salt

½ tsp minced chili or powdered red chili powder, you can also use cayenne pepper if you wish

1 large red bell pepper, diced

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Now you know what goes in the raw vegan coconut soup you can get to preparing it.

Split the coconut and remove the meat. Put the meat in the blender with the garlic, ginger, lime juice, tomato, chili, olive oil, and curry powder. Blend on a medium setting until the mixture is totally smooth, or to your liking. Taste it to see if it needs more seasoning, with this recipe you can adjust it to your individual taste.

You can now go ahead and add cilantro or fresh thyme if you would like. Pour the mixture into a bowl and add your bell pepper and other veggies such as green beans and scallions to the mixture. Stir well and serve chilled. If you would like your soup to be slightly warm, but you still want it to be raw you can achieve this by blending it for two minutes. You can also heat it up on the stove for about 1 minute on low heat.

This recipe can be adjusted to make it spicier or less spicy. You can also add other vegetables according to what you prefer.
